- Feb 22
Travel Tips - Tips I’ve Learned Along the Way
These tips are great for beginners who are traveling for the first time. Not exclusive to only travelers from the U.S, but being from...
- Feb 9
Why Do You Want to Be a Virtual Assistant?
Why do you want to be a virtual assistant? Why do you want to work remotely?
- Feb 7
Steps I’m Taking on My Journey to Become a Digital Nomad
Here’s my list of what I am doing to fulfil my dream of becoming a digital nomad! Stay tuned to follow me on my journey. I will share...
- Mar 18, 2020
Tijuana, Mexico
We went to Tijuana, Mexico for the weekend of March 13th, 2020, for a friend's bachelorette party. It was my first time being in Mexico,...
- Aug 19, 2018
Gotta Start Somewhere
The next few months in my life are full of excitement, new experiences, and opportunities. I can’t wait to share them! Even if this...
- Sep 21, 2016
Ultimate Travel List
Here I have listed, (at least the list for now), the places I want to travel to before I die. This is a small list now, as I am just...
- Jul 30, 2016
Travel Tips
Not exclusive to only travelers from the U.S, but being American myself, most of the tips for traveling through the States or overseas as...