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5 Places I Want to Travel to This Year ⭐️ 2024 - 2025

Here is the ideal scenario for my vacations this year into 2025. I am focusing on traveling to several areas, going into South America. I may take up some time in 2025, since I want to add Uruguay.


Mexico City, Mexico

My first vacation stop will be Mexico City, staying in Coyoacan. I am staying with a Mexican family in the area, very close to the Frida Kahlo Museum. I am also planning on going back to Mexico City in the winter to see Chichén Itzá.


San Jose, Costa Rica

While staying in San Jose, I want to go to Parque Nacional Manuel Antonio (Manuel Antonio National Park) for the weekend. I’ve heard that there’s not much to do in San Jose but the hotels are cheaper in the city. I hope to go on a 4 week trip before the end of the year, to hit Costa Rica and the rest of the countries.


Panama City, Panama

For my future stop in Panama, I will of course check out the Panama Canal. I'm not sure what else I will have time to see. This will depend upon if I'm a profitable Virtual Assistant by then!


Santiago, Chile

Santiago Chile is also going to be a short stop, before I spend the majority of my time in Uraguay. I do want to do the super touristy thing by checking out Gran Torre Costanera. I mean, look at that view!!


Montevideo, Uruguay

My last stop, will be Montevideo, Uruguay. I want to stay near the Rambla of Montevideo, which is a long avenue that goes all along the coastline of Montevideo. I'm not sure what else I will do in the city but hopefully by then, I'll be a digital nomad! I'll be able to slow travel..hopefully.


Are you a digital nomad? Where are you traveling to this year? Have you been to any of these countries? What should I see?

Follow me on my journey to travel and become a digital nomad ❤️✈️

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